After consulting with Star Eagle Wing officers, a decision was handed down from the Silent Professionals Commanding Officer, Colonel “Duke” - the UEE Navy has betrayed its teachings from the old ages to protect the citizens of the Empire, and must be immediately instructed on the importance of this lesson. A strike, leveraging the full tactical prowess of the Eagle and Sparrow squadrons, was orchestrated and scheduled for 0130 Zulu, 31-05-2952. After a successful rendezvous of all assets at Accipiter Aerie Asteroid Base, preparations were completed for the fleets to be sortied.
Prior to the launch of the Eagle and Sparrow squadrons, a single craft from the Sparrow Squadron’s “Emperor Penguins” Special Operations Group was tasked with infiltrating the surroundings of Baijini Point Orbital Station and confirming the disposition of enemy forces in the AO - piloting a Drake Interplanetary Herald fit with the necessary visual and electronic detection equipment - Flight Lieutenant Ryndir, callsign “Insta”, acquired the intricately detailed fleet dispositions needed for this operation’s success. His intelligence was corroborated with extant sources within SPG, together confirming the docked presence of the Javelin-class Destroyer UEES War Hammer, as well as the imminent arrival of the Bengal-class carrier UEES Krugeri, and her escort fleet containing the Idris-class frigate UEES Stanton and numerous corvettes.
[7:18 PM]
After completion of the briefing as required, Eagle and Sparrow squadrons sortied from FAB Accipiter Aerie and journeyed to the Stanton 3 planet ArcCorp for final formation preparation and weapons checks. At 0155Z, Eagle squadron pushed into the Baijini Point AO, but were met with only the docile UEES War Hammer and scant local defenses. Deciding to complete scouting runs prior to the fleet’s arrival, Eagle’s First and Second flights - Gold and Finch, under the command of Flight Commander M. “Milkman” Shepherd and Flight Major G. F. C. “Raiders” respectively - were able to efficiently disperse in the AO to ensnare the fleet the moment it arrived - Raiders was the one to spring the trap!
The arrival of the fleet was swiftly detected by Finch Flight, but in the opening moments of the battle, a potentially critical error was made by Wing Commander Milkman - after not receiving radar returns of any UEE fighters deployed around the main fleet vessels, the radio call to push the bomber element into the AO on their strike was called moments before the fighters appeared on their secondary jump! With all forces merging into the AO simultaneously, the situation rapidly deteriorated into a sprawling furball in full low orbital view of the ArcCorp populace - a sweltering fireball of point defense tracers and fighter-launched missile warheads cascaded into the heavens.
[7:18 PM]
Eagle Squadron rapidly categorized the popup-fighters according to pre-briefed priority listings, and energetically merged with flights of F8 Lightnings and A4 Hurricanes, supported by an armada of carrier-launched F7A Hornets. Despite being forced to dogfight within the CIWS engagement zone of a majority, if not all the fleet, Gold and Finch teams successfully ground the enemy fighter elements into celestial dust. In the midst of it all, torpedoes arced through the cosmos and fell onto the frigates.
Sparrow Squadron wasted no time getting to work. While the Eagles were clawing their way through the piercing defense of the UEE Naval Pilots, Kestrel and Buzzard teams - commanded by Flight Lieutenant Commander C. M. “Malek” and Flight Captain J. R. “Fiddler” respectively - commenced their assault on the fleet vessels around the port - with both teams focusing on the Idris, salvo after salvo bombarded the area with armor piercing and high explosive munitions, but the fleet’s combined CIWS proved too effective - a rapid coordinated strike, breaking off elements of Gold team assisting Finch with engaging Hammerheads for a cluster missile attack on the capitals, decimated the UEES Krugeri and Stanton’s onboard radar targeting arrays and opened up the corridor for Sparrow to land fatal blows.
[7:18 PM]
With the Hammerheads hulks, the Idris eradicated, and the Javelin jammed with civilians still evacuating from the event, the combined firepower of the Eagle and Sparrow squadrons was focused entirely on the now burning UEES Krugeri. Through a monumental seven and a half minutes of diving attacks and fierce volleys, the Krugeri had taken enough hits. In an attempt to save the crippled carrier from a calamitous crash into the caged city below, the Krugeri began trying to make burns to orient towards the OM1 jump point around the planet. However, intense damage from the bombardment had rendered its vertical thrusters all but useless, and the auxiliary forward pitch thrusters were not enough to stabilize the descent into the atmosphere. A massive electromagnetic radiation spike was detected by all units, followed by oblivion: The Krugeri had activated its quantum drive misaligned with the jump point; with a trajectory pointed towards the planet below, it collided with the planetary city, tearing deep into the underhive below in a tumbling inferno of flesh and steel.
With sobriety in their souls, Sparrow rallied for the final blow - the SPG Electronic Attack Corps managed to seal the access overrides for the docking collar to the Javelin UEES War Hammer still attached to the port. Targeting the unmaneuverable destroyer, Sparrow unleashed fury onto the destroyer and its port facilities - the ship was strafed, hit with torpedoes, strafed again - the dock was hit, tearing a hole, and then strafed by Eagle 1, causing internal fires to break out in the fuel storage depot - the Javelin was the hit half a dozen times, buckling its rear and right shield faces and leaving it open to the knockout punch - putting the destroyer and port out of action for months to come.
[7:19 PM]
{For too long, the Human Empire has degraded the way of life of the ancient Tevarin peoples - decimated their civilization, sterilized their culture, and forced each individual to forsake their very individuality. Today is the dawn of a new era for all the UEE’s Subjects - Be not afraid.}
{We are the resurrection of all the foundations and families of all those lost in the two Great wars before. We are the resolution of all Tevarin and Humans standing together in solidarity, in a way never seen before. We are the retribution of all those betrayed, forgotten, and abandoned by the Imperators whom we entrusted upon our obedient disarmament. This is a vengeance, aimed exclusively at the corrupt Imperial Aristocracy, in the name of righteousness for all; to allow all to Be not afraid.}
{Salvation in Glory awaits. Let the Eagle of the Stars unlock your righteousness.}
[7:19 PM]
Requisition for command: 500k aUEC from Silent Professional Command, transfer to Star Eagle Wing Bank Account (follow on comms for complete req. to follow) - 19x Tiger Claw decryption keys, 1x RSI Scorpius, 370x Rnds 5.56x45mm FMJ, 3x 16 SCU Barrel - Fenrisian Ale
{{{PRIORITY MESSAGE}}} {{{IMPERIAL TRANSMISSION OVERRIDE}}} {{{FOR IMMEDIATE BROADCAST}}} {{{TO: ALL IN STANTON COMM RANGE}}} {{{FROM: GENESIS OF SALVATION}}} {TEXT: ATTENTION, ALL HUMANS WITHIN THE STANTON SYSTEM - Be not afraid.} {For too long, the Human Empire has degraded the way of life of the ancient Tevarin peoples - decimated their civilization, sterilized their culture, and forced each individual to forsake their very individuality. Today is the dawn of a new era for all the UEE’s Subjects - Be not afraid.} {We are the resurrection of all the foundations and families of all those lost in the two Great wars before. We are the resolution of all Tevarin and Humans standing together in solidarity, in a way never seen before. We are the retribution of all those betrayed, forgotten, and abandoned by the Imperators whom we entrusted upon our obedient disarmament. This is a vengeance, aimed exclusively at the corrupt Imperial Aristocracy, in the name of righteousness for all; to allow all to Be not afraid.} {Salvation in Glory awaits. Let the Eagle of the Stars unlock your righteousness.} {{{END MESSAGE}}}